How many hours sleep do you get a night? I probably get about 3 hours and then the rest is made up of YouTube rabbit holes! Sicknote has been busy over the last couple of years after setting up Disc World with none60 affiliate Dexta but thankfully he found some time to make “No Sleep” and “Self Destruct” for none60!
“No Sleep” is one of the most industrial pieces of music on our label so far, the eerie atmospherics and overdriven bass notes twist throughout the track and combine with the sparse drums, watch out for those stabs on the breakdown! Definitely one for the small hours!
“Self Destruct” takes a more relaxed approach but is just as impactful! Hypnotic pads, intricate breaks and an incredible rolling bassline all blend together perfectly to act as the perfect foil to “No Sleep”
Do try and get a good 8 hours sleep if you can…
