#Dexta comes with his most personal work to date: three Moog-fuelled tracks dubbed the ‘#ThirdLife’ EP.
Diverting away from his recent hypercharged club disruptors, the Diffrent Music founder instead opts for a more measured, and ultimately more hypnotic, approach.
Opener ‘#ThirdLife’ is the most menacing effort, though in the manner of a relentlessly approaching stormfront. All ominous chords and descending scales, it has the air of a classical organ piece, rewired for the 41st century.
‘#SwanFilter’ — produced with #Iliad (one half of Conduct) — and ‘#LettingGo’ offer some respite,via a sleuthy trip-hop joint and some achingly delicate autonomic, respectively.
Together as the ‘#ThirdLife’ EP, they further showcase how #Dexta’s versatility and ear of something out of the ordinary are as present in his studio work as they are when A&R-ing.