For our final release of the year, we are seeing out 2020 with a bang! The Levitate ep from Dopplershift is dark, deep and dangerous, just like 2020!
Summoned from the gallows of the lone East Coast of South Africa, Dopplershift has become a force to be reckoned with, not just in South africa but the drum and bass scene the world over.
Since taking the plunge into production Dopplershift has earned an impressive rapsheet with previous releases on Four corners, Italian powerhouse Delta9 & france based Hyperactivity. This setting an international president and psyche which resonates from den to dance floor.
2020 has seen Dopplershift gain the attention and support of some of the biggest blogs, podcasts and radio shows in the drum and bass world such as drum and bass arena, Skankandbass, Bbc Radio 1 and Overview music podcast to name a few!
With releases forthcoming on Sine audio and Monk audio aswell as the levitate Ep with four corners, 2021 is shaping up to be huge for this South African talent and it hasnt even begun yet!
For his second outing on Four corners music Dopplershift is joined by Four corners bossman Melinki and the vocal talents of Siege mc collaborating on 'Psychology' aswell as Bristol based badboy Myth on remix duties for Dopplershifts earlier release on Four corners 'Keeper'. Aswell as two solo tracks 'Levitate' & 'Demi sound'. Making this an Killer no Filler ep.
What has been a strange and testing year on a lot of fronts has been a great one for us as a label, so a big thankyou to anyone who has supported us in any way and to all the artists for making this year what it has been. Here's to 2021 and hopefully hearing all this music in a rave!
Exclusive Release date: 28/12/2020 (Beatport)
Global Release date: 11/01/2021
