There are few creatures on earth as recognisable as the flamingo. With their eye-catching hot pink get-ups, these gangly birds are famous for their flamboyant group dances like feathered ravers. Most of us associate them with tropical fun, colorful cocktails and summer sunsets, but flamingos are fragile and extremely vulnerable to climate change. As the planet heats up, there's less rainfall which shrinks the swampy lagoons where flamingos find their food and encourages toxic algae and deadly bacteria to thrive. Plus if predators like pythons and coyotes start running out of food too, they target flamingos even more. Flamingos are adorably monogamous and lay just one egg a year, making them slow to reproduce if disaster strikes. We don’t see these long-term impacts right away so it’s easy to push out of mind, but we need to act now if we want to keep these legendary birds dancing. We will donate all proceeds from the release to Nature And Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU).
Dunk needs no introduction. Everybody knows the man from Brazil, everybody loves his outstanding minimal Drum & Bass. He is signed to a lot of labels and his incredible output and musical style makes him the hardest working man in Drum & Bass-Business. What a legend. Nothing more to say besides that the splendid artwork for the release comes from Mimbelbi.
