Rotterdam collective #Korsakov began their journey as an events brand, one which popped up amongst the highly competitive market and they’ve laid their foundations in the city of Rotterdam. After a series of successful nights, bringing thousands of people across Europe to one of the cities most notorious warehouse venues, they began to set their sights on something bigger. And with their already considerable reach, it made total sense that they’d expand into the sphere of releasing music. Through their influence and through the artists they’ve welcomed to their parties, they’re beginning to build a catalogue which is intimidating even to the most longstanding label.
Their #Korsakov album series is a collection of tracks that first drew attention to their expanding discography and when looking at the music included on volume one it’s easy to see why. The next edition is about to be dropped onto an unsuspecting audience and for its first single
#Raiser is set to take centre stage. The anonymous #Raiser is renowned for his part within the #RamRecords roster and his appearances within the world of Korsakov, after slaying their audiences through their live platform. Now through that same place he unleashes brand new track ‘#Uppercut’.
‘#Uppercut’ is the perfect introduction to #Korsakov’s forthcoming album as it embodies what they stand for. That’s raucous, dancefloor energy showcasing the high levels of musicality each artist on their line up boasts. With a tinkling piano intro leading to its first climatic breakdown, Raiser goes for the jugular, in the way that only he knows how. It’s a record of epic proportions and it gives you an insight into what to expect from the music which #Korsakov is about to unleash onto their vast listenership.
