#ZombieCats first made an appearance through #Ram’s sister label #ProgRAM via their ground breaking 100th release; alongside French producer #Redpill, the duo introduced themselves to the #ProgRAM fan base with '#Feelin''. They’re set to follow this with their forthcoming single ‘#OnAndOn’ feat. #SarahPellicano and ‘#Belong’, laying out two different flavours for the release.
#ZombieCats add #SarahPellicano into the mix for ‘#OnAndOn’ alongside the tell-tale growls of their jagged basslines, meanwhile for ‘#Belong’ there are more emotive, sweeping stabs of synthesis. Throughout each selection, #ZombieCats show a different face on the #ProgRAM pedestal.
So once again, it’s time to get with the #ProgRAM. A stamp that showcases the diversity of its ever-growing roster.
